If fees have been paid and written a cancellation is made more than 10 days before the start of the session, the balance will be returned less a registration cancellation fee (¥10,000). If fees have been paid but a written cancellation is made less than 10 days before the start of the session, no fees will be returned. If the school was closed because of school holidays, please make sure to leave a message or send an e-mail for your cancelation. The office opens at 9:00am. If you wish to contact the school from 6:00pm to 9:00am on weekdays or Saturday and Sunday, please send a text message to (
返金:各セッション初日より10日前までにキャンセルの手続きをなさった方には、お支払い頂きました費用より登録キャンセル手数料の¥10,000 を差引いた金額をご返却いたします。また10日前を過ぎている場合のキャンセルに対しては如何なる理由でも一切のご返金を致しかねますので予めご了承下さい。また、参加されるSession開始後の変更、キャンセルも致しかねます。スクールの対応可能時間は平日午前9時から18時までとなっております。土日祝日等は致しかねます。
Bank transfer fee is paid by applicant.