Our academic program uses the United States Common Core State Standards as a reference and supports the individual needs of our students. This includes studies in the core curricular areas of reading and math, as well as specialized areas in writing, science, social studies, art, music, physical education (PSPE). Coding and/or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) classes are also available to our elementary students as we believe students learn best through hands-on experiences and working interactively. At Hayama International School, we strive to do our best in providing academic standards that are equivalent to private school education in the United States. Classes at Hayama International School are kept small numbers of students to enable teachers to focus on the children’s varied abilities, interests, needs, and learning styles.
当校の小学部では、葉山インターナショナルスクールの基本理念である「Play, Think and Learn」を基に、生徒それぞれの個性や特性を重んじ、葉山の素晴らしい環境をも味方につけ、国際色豊かに年齢に関わらず様々な文化を体験することで、知性、創造性、社交性を育み、自尊心、自信、行儀作法、感謝する気持ち、人に対する思いやりなど、人としての成長と発達を目指す教育を行っています。
アカデミック・プログラムは、米国のプライベートスクールに共通する学科を採用し、Reading, Writing, 算数、理科、社会に加え、美術、音楽、体育の授業を通し、子ども達の可能性を最大限引き出せるよう、生徒一人ひとりの能力、興味、ニーズや学びのスタイルをサポートできるよう少人数制の構成で行っています。全てのプログラムは英語で実施され、英語でのリテラシー(読み書き)能力を向上させるカリキュラムに加え、国際感覚、異文化、社会的責任などの理解が深められるよう学んでいきます。 また、Cross-Curricular Program(教科横断プログラム)・ICTを一部の教科に取り入れ、iPad等を活用し、子供の独立心や論理的思考を育むよう考えられています。 また、いわゆる教室で行う授業の他に、校庭や近隣公園などへ行きクラスメートと体を動かして遊んだりゲームを楽しんだり、山やビーチ、川辺などで大自然を教材に学ぶ事も出来ます。恵まれた素晴らしい自然環境の中で1日を通してアクティブに活動し楽しく学び、休憩時間も有意義に過ごすことで心身ともに健全な成長を促すことができると考えております。
Intensive English Instruction
Students will be leveled and receive instruction on anything from phonics (e.g. letter sounds, blending of words) to grammar (tense, punctuation, word choice), depending on their level.
We have several reading programs available as resources. These include Success For All (SFA)® Fast-Track Phonics program, which is a fun, fast-paced, and systematic phonics program providing a solid base for English language skills. Additionally, Wonders is a reading program specifically designed to align with the Common Core State Standards for Reading/Language Arts. Students who have mastered the essential reading skills in Fast-Track Phonics can then progress to Wonders, where they can build strong literacy foundations through access to complex texts and engaging writing activities.
Bridges is a math curriculum that targets the Common Core State Standards. It includes a blend of direct instruction, structured hands-on experiences, and open exploration in a variety of learning styles that are appropriate for both native English and English Language Learners.
The Bridges Curriculum includes a wide variety of learning tools which help support student understanding. This encourages students to solve problems in multiple ways. A calendar component is also included that goes hand-in-hand with skills learned during math class.
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