Through Hayama International School, many students have nurtured international perspectives,
and are spreading into different paths.
Here are some of the students.
Q1.What inspired you to enroll at Hayama International School?
Koyuki:My father is American, and my mother wanted to focus on my English education. She
anticipated that the world would increasingly require English proficiency and believed enrolling
me in a school where lessons were conducted in English would help prepare me for the future.
Q2.How would you reflect on your time at Hayama International School?
Koyuki:At first, I struggled with speaking English. Since I spoke Japanese with my father at home, it felt unfamiliar to communicate entirely in English with friends. I was constantly nervous, as even
classes and graduation speeches were conducted in English. However, the teachers were very
supportive, simplifying difficult English phrases for me and introducing fun ways to learn the
language, like trips to the park. Those experiences left me with fond memories of learning and
Q3.What path did you take after graduating from Hayama International School?
Koyuki:After graduating from Hayama during kindergarten, I began attending Yokosuka Gakuin for
elementary school and have been there ever since. I am now in my second year of high school
and have developed a keen interest in international studies and cultural exchange.
Q4.What sparked your interest in international studies?
Koyuki:Two main reasons sparked my interest. First, the English skills I developed at Hayama became apersonal strength and something I enjoyed even more during elementary school. Second, myfather’s influence played a significant role. Visiting his family in the U.S. and experiencing Americanculture firsthand deepened my curiosity and enthusiasm for international topics.
Q5.How do you hope to apply your studies in international studies to your future?
Koyuki:I want to deepen my understanding of different cultures and people through my passion for filmsand music. By studying international studies, I aim to enhance my English proficiency and explorewhat I love while bridging cultural gaps.
Q6.How has your experience at Hayama International School influenced you?
Koyuki:Initially, I was uncomfortable speaking English, but after three years of daily exposure, I grew moreconfident in listening and speaking. The skills I developed, such as through online Englishconversation classes, remain with me. For example, on a recent school trip to Hawaii, I gave aspeech in English as a school representative. Friends I made there even praised my fluency, which Ibelieve is a direct result of my time at Hayama.
Q7.How was your experience volunteering at Hayama International School this year?
Koyuki: I’ve always been shy and lacked confidence in speaking English, but volunteering at Hayamawas a wonderful experience. The teachers remembered me and warmly welcomed me, andthe children engaged with me daily, which made me happy. I also overcame my hesitancy toexpress my opinions. The kids and teachers were open and respectful, creating anenvironment where I felt encouraged to share my thoughts.
Q8.What kind of educational environments have you experienced so far?
Koyuki: At Hayama, daily English lessons were the norm. However, when I moved to a Japaneseelementary school, I realized how unique my English skills were. It wasn’t until junior high,when I began preparing for entrance exams, that I fully understood the strength of my Englishabilities. Moving forward, I want to use my English skills to broaden my horizons further.